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29 Surprising Benefits of Urban Farming

Did you know that over 20% of the food in the world is produced by urban farms?

(Short on time?)

If this number sounds INSANELY high. That's because well ... it is.

How did urban farming pick up so much steam, so fast?

How is it possible the commercial vertical farming market is expected to grow over 380% by 2022?

29 Surprising Benefits of Urban Farming

If these stats convince you urban farming is a good idea, great.

If you're not convinced...If you're still asking yourself: Why should I learn more about urban farming??

The answer is simple.

There are an incredible amount of advantages urban farmers have over conventional agriculture.

Curious to know about the many benefits of urban farming?

Read on...

1. Learn a very rare skill ... the ability to farm

According to the United States Farm Bureau, only 1 in 50 American citizens have any farming experience (2%).

That means the average person on the street is far more likely to have other interesting skills like speaking a foreign language (over 15% of Americans are bilingual, and over 50% of Europeans are).

By learning urban farming you are developing a very unique skill.

Curious to go in depth-beyond this article?

Check out The Urban Farmer, below!

Urban Farm Example

Source: kbcc.cuny.edu

2. Conserve Space

Urban farming utilizes space incredibly efficiently. This is especially true in the case of vertical farming.

For example, Vertical Harvest, one of the largest commercial vertical farms in the US, grows the same amount of produce on 1/10 of an acre that traditional agriculture would need 5 acres to produce.

Vertical Farm Example

Source: New York Times

3. Extremely healthy food source

The output of most urban farms are vegetables, typically loose leaf lettuces, herbs, or brassicas.

According to Choosemyplate.gov, health benefits of produce are almost unbeatable, including:

1) vegetables do not have cholesterol

2) vegetables are high in fiber

3) vegetables are sources of many nutrients including: potassium, folate, Vitamin A & Vitamin C.


Source: Fifth Season Gardening

4. Helps Prevent Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity: an economic and social condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food. (Source)

According to the USDA, 1 in 7 Americans suffers from food insecurity, and this figure includes over 6 million children.

Urban farming can help alleviate some of the pressures of food insecurity. For example, urban farms set up in food deserts can be a source of nutritious food for nearby urban residents.

5. Easier to eat organic produce

According to helpguide.org, organic produce:

- contains less pesticides than conventional
- contain less fertilizer than conventional
- are more fresh than conventional

Growing in your own home in some ways is the most organic way to grow - in some urban farming set ups you may need almost no pesticides or fertilizer, and the produce could not be more fresh.

Organic vs Non-Organic Produce

source: helpguide.org

6. No Need To Worry About Seasonality

If you are growing indoors in a controlled environment, your growing season is not restricted by unpredictable weather conditions.

Weather conditions like unexpected cold temperature or drought cost traditional agriculture billions of dollars per year in lost yield.

7. Less Greenhouse Gas Emissions

According to ACS.org, "Some analyses have suggested that bringing agriculture into cities has lowered food-related greenhouse gas emissions".

That being said, the same study linked above *does* emphasize that the greenhouse gas emission savings provided by urban farming are often overestimated, especially in high density urban farming areas in the Northeastern United States (New York, Boston, etc).

8. Cheaper Than Buying Produce From Normal Supply Chain

On a common sense level, putting in the time to grow your own fresh fruits and vegetables is going to have a cheaper unit cost than going to buy at the grocery store.

The reason for this is simple:

Grocery store produce is heavily marked up. According to this article from Chron, grocery stores mark up the cost of their produce by up to 75%, that's almost a 2x increase that you pay.

Beyond that, a lot of the original cost of the produce comes from transportation. The result? Growing yourself is way cheaper on average.

9. Increases  Property Value

In a UC-Davis report on the benefits of urban agriculture, it was stated,

"studies correlate urban farms and community gardens to increasing home values and household income...The presence of gardens raised property values as much as 9.4% within five years of establishment"

10. Correlates with Socioeconomic Diversity

Because of the overlapping social, economic, and ecological aspects that urban farming relates to (see figure), there is a correlation between areas with urban farming projects and socioeconomic diversity, according to this study from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization.

Policy dimensions and types of urban farming


11. Decreases "Food Miles" (Even compared to "local produce").

Food miles are defined as the distance from where your food is grown or produced to where you eat it.

Food miles for local produce that is produced from an urban garden or farm can be less than .001% the distance that grocery store (and even restaurant) produce travels from "farm to fork".

Think about it this way, if you're growing in your own home, we're not even talking about food "miles" anymore, we're talking about food "feet"!

Curious to go in depth-beyond this section?

Check out The Market Gardener, below!

Conventional vs Local Growing of Produce


12. Small Business Growth Engine

Urban and vertical farming are experiencing triple digit year over year growth, and it isn't slowing down soon.

According to AgHires, the vertical urban farming market is expected to grow by over 384% in the next 5 years. That's over 30.8% year over year growth!

13. Less Infrastructure Investment Required

While some vertical farming operations require tons of investment into infrastructure, the majority of urban farming production comes from small CSA-size or smaller growers, according to this article from Ensia.com, the amount of infrastructure cost needed for a basic urban garden set up with a greenhouse or indoor growing is less than conventional agriculture.

14. Expanding Grant Funding Opportunities

Commercial urban farms received more funding in 2016 than any previous year in history in the United States.

If you are searching for grant funding as an urban farmer, your odds of success will only increase in the future, at this rate.

More info on USDA grant funding for urban agriculture

15. Improves State of Mind

According to a Psychology Today article titled "Plants Make You Feel Better", presence of plants indoors or in your garden:

- Lowers systolic blood pressure
- Lowers levels of anxiety
- Increases job satisfaction

So...if you hate your job...you need to start urban farming!

16. Less Packaging Required

If you are harvesting your food from an urban farm, you may be able to completely do away with packaging.

Why is this a HUGE benefit?

Packaging is one of the most harmful environmental pollutants that exist in the planet. According to this article on Livestrong, titled "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Food Packaging", while packaging has benefits like increasing shelf-life, there are also huge disadvantages:

"According to Duke University researchers Patrick Reaves and Michael Nolan, consumer packaging accounts for the largest amount of plastic and paper waste, which forms 20 % of all landfills"

Urban Farming = packaging not necessary = benefit.

17. High Food Safety

Large scale outbreaks of salmonella or other contaminants is largely a bi-product of the overwhelming distance and processing food undergoes.

According to the (WHO) world health organization, "Foodborne illnesses are usually infectious or toxic in nature and caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemical substances entering the body through contaminated food or water"

With increasing supply chain length comes higher risk of contamination.

18. Higher Food Quality

When urban farming, you have ultimate control over things like:

- growing conditions
- harvesting time
- light exposure

When you go to the grocery store, it's a "take it or leave it" situation that you have very little control over. If you really want a carrot but all the carrots are heavily bruised, you either buy a bruised carrot or don't get any carrot.

19. Less Food Waste

Because you can "harvest and eat" with urban farming, there is no disconnect between your produce supply and the amount you eat.

The majority of food waste at the consumer level occurs because produce that is already purchased goes bad. If you only harvest what you are about to eat, you will waste far less.

20. Correlates with Neighborhood Safety

According to a 2013 study from UC Davis (also cited above), "Community gardens and urban farms create safe spaces to recreate and improve the ... general concern for others in the neighborhood".

Essentially, urban farms are basically the opposite of the Broken Window Theory, defined as,  

"a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signaling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior".

For all the broken windows in cities, we need more urban farms!

21. Aesthetically Pleasing

The majority of humans, across all cultures and backgrounds, find the sight of plants to be aesthetically pleasing.

This data from Format magazine suggests that plants are one of the most popular subjects of artwork of all time.

No wonder so many urban faming companies take such amazing high resolution photos of their systems!

22. Able to integrate into architecture

There are entire websites, like Inhabitat, which are devoted to urban farming themed agriculture.

If you are an architect, you have endless opportunities and examples for integrating urban farming into your designs.

One of the defining features of any city is it's architecture, so all of the integration possibilities are a huge plus for city planners and designers.

23. Large Innovative Communities Across The Globe

As you can see by this Pinterest Board on urban farming projects across the world, urban farming is gaining steam in areas all across the world.

Areas like:
- Japan
- France
- Netherlands
- Kenya

Just to name a few!

What does this mean?

No matter where you are, you can likely find other people in your city who are into urban farming!

24. Water Conservation

Many styles of growing that are popular in urban agriculture are far more efficient with water than general agriculture.

For example, according to Lucky Roots, hydroponic systems can use 2/3 less water than what would normally be needed for the same amount of output.

25. Air Purification and Breathing Benefits

Based off data from this article on Bayeradvanced.com, titled "The 5 Benefits of House Plants", having any type of plant in your house will aid in air purification.

In fact, this phenomenon has been studied so deeply that we know certain types of plants purify air better than others. For more information on specific plant types check this link.

26. May Increase Your Focus

According to an article from Scientific American titled "Houseplants Make You Smarter", large sets of data show that plants increase focus and attention span.

The reasoning?

Humans evolved in settings with far more plants than the computer screens most people are glued to in today's day and age.

While too much screen exposure is typically harmful for attention span and focus capacity over, presence of plants results in the opposite effects.

Listen up kids, if you didn't do so well on that last test, you may need to do a little urban farming!

27. Prevent Illness

According to a recent article from Treehugger, the presence of plants in your house or garden does play a role in preventing onset of illness.

This does not take into account the fact that simply eating more produce is proven to prevent illness in multiple studies.

Not convinced? Check this study from Harvard.

28. Learn more about your food

Have you ever heard of brassica?

According to Wikipedia, it is one of the most common types of vegetables by humans, including things like:

- broccoli
- cauliflower
- kale
- cabbage
- and brussel sprouts

hell, even mustard seeds come from brassica, so without brassica there's no mustard.

What's the point?

The fact that a plant is a brassica has implications for how it is grown. You learn this type of information if you try urban farming, and as a result, you have a better knowledge of what you eat.

Types of Brassica

Types of Brassica: Source

29. Freedom To Grow What You Want To Grow

After all this data....

You're probably wondering: what other benefits could there be?

The biggest benefit is this: with urban farming, you can grow:

- what you want to grow
- how you want to grow it
- where you want to grow

Ultimately, this is a very powerful freedom of expression.


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Also, if you haven't gotten enough benefits of urban farming, check out more helpful resources in the section below.

Article Sources:


Asia Vertical Farming Companies: The 2023 Report

Download the Free Sample Report


"For a target audience that is trying to understand the basics of vertical farming, this is a quality newsletter to subscribe to"

- James Pateras, CEO, Modular Farms Australia

North America Vertical Farming Companies: The 2023 Report

Download The Free Sample Report


"The North America Vertical Farming Companies Report 2023 aggregates many sources of public information on many different companies so that you don't have to do the research yourself, it's worth the money and saves a lot of time"

- John Ireland, CEO, NTP Technologies

Europe Vertical Farming Companies: The 2023 Report

Download the Free Sample Report

Helen Andrew Spare Harvest

"As a business development manager supporting the indoor agriculture, CEA, and food tech industries, I can say Urban Vine guides and their insider newsletter provide detailed information often difficult to find online."

- Irena Lundberg, CleanTech Invest Stockholm

Middle East Vertical Farming Companies: The 2023 Report

Download the Free Sample Report


"As a marketing professional in the indoor agriculture industry, Urban Vine's newsletters, reports and guides are an excellent resource for keeping up-to-date with news and developments in vertical farming."

- Steven Mitchell, Product Manager, Intelligent Growth Solutions (IGS) UK

All Indoor Farming Company Interviews

Pure Greens Container Farms

July 4, 2024

This interview details Pure Greens Container Farms, an indoor farming company based in the United States. The interview is with Taisiya Jacobson, President & Co-Founder of Pure Greens Container Farms. To learn more about Pure Greens and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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June 21, 2024

This interview details Bloemteknik, an indoor farming technology company based in the UK. The interview is with James Fleet, Co-Founder & CEO of Bloemteknik. To learn more about Bloemteknik and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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May 31, 2024

This interview details Farmitank, a company based in Spain. The interview is with Cristian Nieves, R&D Department at Farmitank. To learn more about Farmitank and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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JHS Group

May 30, 2024

This interview details JHS Group, a company based in the United States. The interview is with Janet Tso-Shushan, CEO of JHS Group. To learn more about JHS Group and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

May 22, 2024

This interview details Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), a research organization based in Finland. The interview is with Saila Karhu, Research Professor at Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). To learn more about Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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The indoor growing pods at Canadore College

May 22, 2024

This interview details The indoor growing pods at Canadore College, an indoor farming company based in Canada. The interview is with Angela Proudfoot, Project Administrator Sustainable Food & Clean Water at Canadore College.

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May 22, 2024

This interview details NIAB, a crop science organization based in the UK. The interview is with Ros Lloyd, Head of Communications at NIAB. To learn more about NIAB and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Ecocool GmbH

May 22, 2024

This interview details Ecocool GmbH, a packaging solutions provider based in Germany. The interview is with Florian Siedenburg, General Manager of Ecocool GmbH. To learn more about Ecocool GmbH and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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Autonomous Greenhouse

May 22, 2024

This interview details Autonomous Greenhouse, an indoor farming technology company based in the Netherlands. The interview is with Silke Hemming, Head Scientific Research Team Greenhouse Technology at Wageningen University & Research. To learn more about Autonomous Greenhouse and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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May 16, 2024

This interview details Sapling, an indoor farming technology company based in the UK. The interview is with Manish Patel, Managing Director at Sapling Automation Ltd. To learn more about Sapling and other indoor farming companies, click on this link!

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